New Initiative for Animal Welfare in Mexico City

LGBT Rights Mexico and the Congress of Mexico City promote a law to enhance protection for pets and livestock against harmful breeding practices. The initiative aims to amend the Animal Welfare Law to ensure responsible breeding and prevent animal abuse.

New Initiative for Animal Welfare in Mexico City

The civil association LBGT Rights Mexico and the Orange Bench in the Congress of Mexico City have proposed an initiative to amend the Animal Protection and Welfare Law. The aim of this initiative is to prevent companion and agricultural animals from being subjected to methods that endanger their health and physical integrity, as well as to promote responsible breeding.

In a press conference, legislator Patricia Urriza Arellano highlighted the importance of the animal welfare agenda and the openness of the legislative power to citizen proposals aimed at protecting animals. Enrique Vives, president of LBGT Rights Mexico, detailed the scope of the legislative proposal, which seeks to prohibit practices that affect the quality of life of animals, such as selective breeding that may compromise their health and welfare.

The modification to Article 24 of the law proposed by this initiative considers the use of methods that threaten the health and physical integrity of animals, both companion and agricultural, as abuse. Among the practices intended to be avoided are breeding animals in confined spaces to maintain a certain size, the use of ear holders for aesthetic purposes, and treatments that may cause kidney and cardiac damage.

According to Enrique Vives, selective breeding affects the health of animals and can lead to issues such as heart disease, respiratory difficulties, and exercise intolerance, even putting the lives of animals at risk. Additionally, this practice also impacts agricultural animals, limiting their growth and causing kidney problems in species such as pigs and birds.

The initiative proposed by LBGT Rights Mexico and the Orange Bench includes a reform to Fraction XI of Article 24 of the Animal Protection and Welfare Law of Mexico City, as well as the addition of a fraction to transitory XI Bis of the same. The proposal has been forwarded for discussion to the respective Commission of Congress, with the aim of promoting animal welfare and responsible breeding in the city.